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Neck Pain: Symptoms and Prevention

The neck is the most important part of your skeleton system as it is the part of your spine that extends from the skull to the upper torso. The spine is formed by cervical discs that are joined by ligaments and muscles. 

Our neck provides support and helps in the movement of the head. Any injury, stress, overuse, or abnormality can cause pain and stiffness in the neck.  In most cases, neck pain is not serious and can be relieved by exercise or treatment at home, but sometimes, neck pain can be crucial and requires medical care. 

Common Causes of Neck Pain

  • Muscle tension or strain: A strain in muscles can be caused by poor posture, working in a specific position without moving, or sleeping in a bad position. This type of pain can be alleviated by rest. 
  • Injury: The soft tissues of the neck can be injured by a sudden jerk or moving neck in an abnormal position. This injury is called whiplash. 
  • Diseases: Chronic pain that lasts for more than a month can be a symptom of underlying health issues like rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, or other diseases. 
  • Heart attack: Neck pain accompanied by nausea, shortness of breath, pain in the arm or jaw can be a sign of heart attack.
  • Meningitis: It is the inflammation of soft tissues surrounding the spinal cord and brain. The patient may also suffer from fever, neck stiffness, and headache. It is a serious medical condition and requires emergency treatment. 


Most neck pain is associated with a poor lifestyle and can be improved by simple changes. 

  • Sit in a good posture, keeping the vertebral column straight while sitting or standing.
  • Avoid sitting in the same position for too long time. Taking frequent breaks while driving or working on a desk or computer.
  • Avoid carrying heavy weights on your shoulders. 
  • Sleep in a position where the neck and head are aligned with the body.

Visit the Emergency Health Clinic

Neck pain is common with people having poor posture, stress, or fatigue and can be alleviated by rest and simple exercises. If your neck pain occurs regularly and persists for more than a few days alongside other symptoms, then visit an emergency health clinic without a delay. Other symptoms may include:

  • Sudden neck stiffness with difficulty moving the arms and shoulders
  • Pain with numbness or weakness reaching with arms or legs
  • Severe pain in the neck after a fall or jerk
  • Severe pain for a few days without relief accompanied by headache
